MCMC fitting pd-neut-cwl LBCO-HRPT¶
This example is just a slightly modified version of the example created by Erik Fransson from Chalmers University of Technology. The original example can be found here.
In this example, we take a bayesian approach to the refinement process, and rather than looking for the optimal set of parameters, we compute the probability distribution over the parameters.
Bayesian refinement¶
Goal: Finding the posterior probability distribution over parameters, $P(\boldsymbol{x}|D)$, given some data D and prior knowledge.
- Experimental data D ($y^\text{exp}$)
- $\boldsymbol{x}$ parameters to be refined $\boldsymbol{x}$=($\boldsymbol{x}_\text{experiment}$, $\boldsymbol{x}_\text{instrument}$, $\boldsymbol{x}_\text{sample}$)
- Simulated diffraction pattern $y^\text{sim}=f(\boldsymbol{x})$
The posterior for parameters is \begin{equation} \large \underbrace{P(\boldsymbol{x}|D)}_\text{Posterior} = \underbrace{P(D|\boldsymbol{x})}_\text{Likelihood}\, \, \underbrace{P(\boldsymbol{x})}_\text{Priors} \end{equation}
We assume independent and (almost)identical normal distributed errors. But we take into account heteroscedasticity that is commonly done for diffraction data, i.e. uncertainty scales with sqrt of intensity, which be achieved by modeling the data as \begin{equation} \large y^\text{exp}_i = y^\text{sim}_i + \epsilon_i \\ \large \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu=0, \sigma^2_i = \sigma^2 \cdot y^\text{exp}_i). \end{equation} where $\epsilon_i$ is the error between the experimental (exp) and simulated (sim) diffraction patterns.
And then we get a likelihood that looks like \begin{equation} \large P(D|\boldsymbol{x}) \propto \exp{\left (- \frac{\sum_i (y^\text{sim}_i- y^\text{exp}_i)^2 }{\sigma^2 y^\text{exp}_i}\right )} \end{equation} Note here that $\sigma$ is also a free parameter that we need to include in our modeling.
In this example, we encode no information in the priors, but in princple any prior knowledge about the same could and should be encoded in the prior probability distribution.
Finding parameters that maximizes the posterior is equvivalent to regular optimization (least-squares).
Obtaining the posterior probability distribution is done via MCMC-sampling with emcee
, see their documentation for more details.
More information¶
See the "Use of Bayesian Inference in Crystallographic Structure Refinement via Full Diffraction Profile Analysis" (doi:, for more information.
Import dependencies¶
import corner # Library for plotting posterior distributions
import emcee # Library for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plotting library
import numpy as np # Numerical library
import easydiffraction as ed
Helper functions¶
Here we let theta
be the parameter vector (including $\sigma$).
# helper functions
def compute_rmse(y_target, y_predicted):
Compute root mean squared error (RMSE) between
target and predicted values
delta_y = y_target - y_predicted
rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(delta_y**2))
return rmse
def compute_mse_weighted(y_target, y_predicted):
Compute the weighted mean squared error.
(weighting by y_target)
delta_y = y_target - y_predicted
weight = y_target
mse_weighted = np.mean(delta_y**2 / weight)
return mse_weighted
# theta_0 is close to a least-square solution
theta_0 = np.array([2.0, 3.89, 9.0, 0.6,
0.08, -0.12,
0.12, 0.08,
172, 172])
parameter_names = ['sigma', 'length_a', 'scale', 'zero_shift',
'resolution_u', 'resolution_v',
'resolution_w', 'resolution_y',
'intensity', 'intensity-1']
def generate_starting_theta():
Generate random initial starting point pretty close to theta_0
# parameters defining how much randomness to add to theta_0
dx_sigma = 1
dx_lattice_parameter = 0.01
dx_scale = 0.1
dx_zeroshift = 0.03
dx_reso = 0.01
dx_bkg = 5
# randomize theta
theta = theta_0.copy()
theta[0] += np.random.uniform(-dx_sigma, dx_sigma)
for i in [1]:
theta[i] += np.random.uniform(-dx_lattice_parameter,
theta[2] += np.random.uniform(-dx_scale, dx_scale)
theta[3] += np.random.uniform(-dx_zeroshift, dx_zeroshift)
theta[4] += np.random.uniform(-dx_reso, dx_reso)
theta[5] += np.random.uniform(-dx_reso, dx_reso)
theta[6] += np.random.uniform(-dx_reso, dx_reso)
theta[7] += np.random.uniform(-dx_reso, dx_reso)
theta[8] += np.random.uniform(-dx_bkg, dx_bkg)
theta[9] += np.random.uniform(-dx_bkg, dx_bkg)
return theta
def set_job_parameters(job, theta):
Set all the parameters for the job.
theta[0] is sigma and is thus not used
job.phases[0].cell.length_a = theta[1]
job.phases[0].scale = theta[2]
job.pattern.zero_shift = theta[3]
job.parameters.resolution_u = theta[4]
job.parameters.resolution_v = theta[5]
job.parameters.resolution_w = theta[6]
job.parameters.resolution_y = theta[7]
job.backgrounds[0][0].y = theta[8]
job.backgrounds[0][1].y = theta[9]
Probability functions¶
# define all probabilities, priors, likelihoods, posteriors
def log_gaussian_likelihood(theta):
# set parameters
sigma = theta[0]
set_job_parameters(job, theta)
# if the calculation fails for any reason, return -inf
y_predicted = job.calculate_profile()
except ArithmeticError:
return -np.inf
# if y contains nan then return -inf
if np.any(np.isnan(y_predicted)):
return -np.inf
# compute log-likelihood
sigmas = sigma * np.sqrt(meas_y)
LL = -0.5 * np.sum(np.log(2 * np.pi * sigmas ** 2) +
(meas_y - y_predicted) ** 2 / sigmas ** 2)
return LL
def log_prior(theta):
sigma = theta[0]
if sigma < 0 or sigma > 1000:
return -np.inf
return 0
def log_posterior(theta):
return log_prior(theta) + log_gaussian_likelihood(theta)
Load the data and setup Job¶
# create a job
job = ed.Job()
# load cif
ed.download_from_repository('lbco_adp.cif', destination='data')
cif_fname = 'data/lbco_adp.cif'
# load diffraction data
ed.download_from_repository('hrpt.xye', destination='data')
meas_fname = 'data/hrpt.xye'
meas_x, meas_y, meas_e = np.loadtxt(meas_fname, unpack=True)
print('Data shape:', meas_x.shape, meas_y.shape)
Data shape: (3098,) (3098,)
# setup
job.parameters.wavelength = 1.494
# add background
job.set_background([(meas_x[0], 170),
(meas_x[-1], 170)])
Note here that no parameters are set to be refined. The MCMC simulations will be carried out using emcee
package which will use the log_posterior
function to sample the posterior.
The job
will only be used to calculate the diffraction pattern for the parameters that emcee
will sample.
# Check if theta_0 is reasonable
set_job_parameters(job, theta_0)
y_initial = job.calculate_profile()
rmse_initial = compute_rmse(meas_y, y_initial)
msew_initial = compute_mse_weighted(meas_y, y_initial)
print(f'Initial: RMSE {rmse_initial:.3f}, MSE-weighted {msew_initial:.3f}')
# plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 4.5))
plt.plot(meas_x, meas_y, label='Exp')
plt.plot(meas_x, y_initial, label='Initial')
plt.plot(meas_x, meas_y - y_initial-500, label='Diff')
Initial: RMSE 26.503, MSE-weighted 1.561
Run MCMC sampling¶
Next, we define the hyper-parameters to be used for the MCMC sampling
The MCMC is carried out by multiple independent "walkers".
sets how many steps/iterations each walker will carry outn_walkers
sets how many walkers to usen_parameters
is the total number of parameters being optimizedn_every
how often to record store the MCMC trajectory
# MCMC parameters
n_walkers = 15 # number of MCMC walkers
n_every = 1 # keep every x:th sample
n_steps = 1000 // n_every # steps per walker
n_parameters = 10 # number of parameters
Next, we generate the starting parameters for all walkers.
# generate starting points for walkers
theta_start = [theta_0.copy()]
for _ in range(n_walkers-1):
theta_start = np.array(theta_start).copy()
print('theta start shape:', theta_start.shape)
# sanity check starting points such that there is no horribly starting points with e.g. NaNs
for it, theta in enumerate(theta_start):
set_job_parameters(job, theta)
y = job.calculate_profile()
rmse = compute_rmse(meas_y, y)
msew = compute_mse_weighted(meas_y, y)
logp = log_posterior(theta)
print(f'Walker {it:2}: log-posterior {logp:11.5f} | RMSE {rmse:.3f} | MSE-weighted {msew:.3f}')
theta start shape: (15, 10) Walker 0: log-posterior -13788.56594 | RMSE 26.503 | MSE-weighted 1.561 Walker 1: log-posterior -28284.96448 | RMSE 94.785 | MSE-weighted 12.004 Walker 2: log-posterior -19814.74938 | RMSE 136.556 | MSE-weighted 23.895 Walker 3: log-posterior -27788.83954 | RMSE 115.817 | MSE-weighted 12.446 Walker 4: log-posterior -14679.93963 | RMSE 42.511 | MSE-weighted 2.668 Walker 5: log-posterior -14734.93489 | RMSE 53.285 | MSE-weighted 2.946 Walker 6: log-posterior -16002.82980 | RMSE 89.051 | MSE-weighted 7.853 Walker 7: log-posterior -16725.05550 | RMSE 111.820 | MSE-weighted 12.785 Walker 8: log-posterior -36356.28704 | RMSE 237.575 | MSE-weighted 92.157 Walker 9: log-posterior -20544.42476 | RMSE 163.019 | MSE-weighted 29.857 Walker 10: log-posterior -14188.84818 | RMSE 41.946 | MSE-weighted 2.774 Walker 11: log-posterior -28329.06082 | RMSE 115.493 | MSE-weighted 18.974 Walker 12: log-posterior -14062.19162 | RMSE 44.561 | MSE-weighted 2.593 Walker 13: log-posterior -13910.94726 | RMSE 35.967 | MSE-weighted 2.098 Walker 14: log-posterior -17684.49851 | RMSE 71.080 | MSE-weighted 5.508
In order make emcee run with fewer walkers than twice the number of parameters, we need to set sampler._moves[0].live_dangerously = True
, but this is often unadvisable.
Due to the starting points for the walkers being quite similar we also may need to set skip_initial_state_check=True
in order to avoid poor conditioned starting point error.
# sample
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_parameters, log_posterior)
sampler._moves[0].live_dangerously = True
sampler.run_mcmc(theta_start, n_steps, progress=True, thin_by=n_every, skip_initial_state_check=True)
100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [12:49<00:00, 1.30it/s]
samples = sampler.chain
logp = sampler.lnprobability
steps = n_every * np.arange(0, samples.shape[1])
print('samples shape:', samples.shape)
samples shape: (15, 1000, 10)
First we'll plot the posterior of all walkers to check convergence.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 5))
for walker_ind in range(n_walkers):
plt.plot(steps, logp[walker_ind, :], label=f'Walker {walker_ind}')
plt.ylabel('Log posterior')
plt.xlabel('MCMC iteration')
Next, we'll plot the MCMC trajectory of the parameters for a few walkers
walkers_to_plot = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(11, 14))
for i in range(n_parameters):
ax = axes.flat[i]
name = parameter_names[i]
for walker_ind in walkers_to_plot:
ax.plot(steps, samples[walker_ind, :, i], label=f'Walker {walker_ind}')
ax.set_xlabel('MCMC iteration')
if i == 0: